Maracas Analyzing the impact of libraries evolution


What Is Maracas?

Maracas is a source code and bytecode analysis framework⁠—written in Java with the help of Spoon—designed to analyze how Java libraries evolve and how their evolution impacts their clients. Maracas is built atop JApiCmp, a static analysis tool that computes the delta between two JAR (Java ARchive) files of a Java project. With the help of Spoon, Maracas then detects broken uses on client code.

Maracas is currently developed at LaBRI (France) and TU/e (The Netherlands) as part of the ALIEN project. It was founded in 2018 at CWI (The Netherlands) in the context of the Crossminer project (European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme).

Below, we list some relevant projects that are being used by Maracas.

  • JApiCmp: static analysis tool that computes a delta between two JARs.
  • Spoon: static analysis tool that analyzes, rewrites, and transforms Java source code.


  • Thomas Degueule
  • Jean-Rémy Falleri
  • Lina Ochoa Venegas