Maracas Analyzing the impact of libraries evolution

Field Less Accessible

The visibility of a library field is decreased by modifying its access modifier.


The access modifier of the field name in the library class Person is changed from public to protected.

public class Person {
-  public String name;
+  protected String name;

Broken Uses

Hereafter, we list the broken uses that are currently detected by Maracas.

1. Field accesses of a now-private field


The access modifier of the field name in the library class Person is changed from public to private.

public class Person {
-  public String name;
+  private String name;

The method displayPerson—defined in the PeopleInfo class in a client project—accesses the now-private name field. Then, a broken use is reported pointing to the field access expression.

public class PeopleInfo {
  public void displayPerson(Person person) {
    // Broken use reported here
    String personName =;


2. Field accesses of a now-package-private field from a different package


The access modifier of the field name in the library class Person is changed from public to package-private (by removing the modifier).

public class Person {
-  public String name;
+  String name;

The method displayPerson—defined in the PeopleInfo class in a client project—accesses the now-package-private name field. Then, a broken use is reported pointing to the field access expression.

public class PeopleInfo {
  public void displayPerson(Person person) {
    // Broken use reported here
    String personName =;


3. Field accesses of a now-protected field from a different package or a non-child class


The access modifier of the field name in the library class Person is changed from public to protected.

public class Person {
-  public String name;
+  protected String name;

The method displayPerson—defined in the PeopleInfo class in a client project—accesses the now-protected name field. Then, a broken use is reported pointing to the field access expression.

public class PeopleInfo {
  public void displayPerson(Person person) {
    // Broken use reported here
    String personName =;
