Maracas Analyzing the impact of libraries evolution

Field Type Changed

The type of a field has been changed.


The type of the field type in the class Vehicle in the library project is changed from String to int.

public class Vehicle {
-  public String type;
+  public int type;


Broken Uses

Hereafter, we list the broken uses that are currently detected by Maracas.

1. Read accesses of the modified field


The method displayType()—defined in the VehicleInfo class in a client project—accesses the type field of a Vehicle object and assigns its value to a variable of type String. Then, a broken use is reported pointing to the variable assignment.

public class VehicleInfo {
  public static void displayType(Vehicle vehicle) {
    // Broken use reported here
    String type = vehicle.type;


2. Assignments to the modified field


The method changeType()—defined in the VehicleInfo class in a client project—assigns a new String value to the type field of a Vehicle object. Then, a broken use is reported pointing to the field assignment.

public class VehicleInfo {
  public static void changeType(Vehicle vehicle, String type) {
    // Broken use reported here
    vehicle.type = type;
