Maracas Analyzing the impact of libraries evolution

Superclass Added

A class adds a new superclass.


The class LandVehicle in the library project adds the superclass Vehicle to its declaration.

public abstract class Vehicle {
  public static final int INITIAL_KMS = 0;

  String getType();

  public static void move() {
    System.out.println("The vehicle is moving.");

+public abstract class LandVehicle {
-public abstract class LandVehicle extends Vehicle {


Broken Uses

Hereafter, we list the broken uses that are currently detected by Maracas.

1. Unimplemented abstract methods


The concrete Car class in a client project extends the LandVehicle abstract class defined in the library. The Car class does not provide an implementation for the move method defined in the Vehicle abstract class.
Then, a broken use is reported pointing to the Car class declaration.

// Broken use reported here
public class Car extends LandVehicle {
  private String type;
